Website Manager in Cloud Hosting
When you get any of our cloud hosting packages, you'll receive an advanced, albeit easy-to-use Website Manager tool, that is part of the in-house built Hepsia Control Panel. Not only is it simple to use even by individuals with no previous experience in this field, but it will furthermore provide you with 100 % control over every aspect of your presence online. With simply several clicks, you will be able to access every part of the CP that is associated somehow to your Internet sites. DNS records, WHOIS information, e-mails, databases, FTP accounts, script applications - each one of these things could be managed through quick-access links that are fittingly put together in one place. We've also prepared a considerable amount of helpful articles and video tutorials, that will offer you a far better understanding of all the functions of the Website Manager.
Website Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With the Website Manager tool that we shall give you if you have a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you'll be able to control your domain names and all the things associated with them with no difficulty and with no more than a few mouse clicks. The tool provides a lot of options in one place, but features a clean and basic interface, that makes it ideal for rookies. More capable users shall also acknowledge how swiftly they can control all aspects of their presence online, instead of dealing with multiple menus searching for some concealed option. Once you click on any domain address hosted in your account, you'll be able to change its DNS records, to acquire an SSL certificate, to set up a new database or an e-mail address, to set up a script-driven app, plus much more. All of these options are accessible via quick-access buttons, so you can do anything you need in relation to your website fast and easy.